Page Templates

Loads of inspiring designs and ready to go layouts

Page Templates

Loads of inspiring designs and ready to go layouts

Your Design Inspiration

Page Templates are designed to provide samples and exemplify the benchmarks for how your website should look. Choose from a variety of pre-designed themes available on Figma that align with your goals, enabling you to quickly complete your site. Alternatively, feel free to explore the templates for inspiration in crafting your unique design.

Filter by page categories
Home page with e-com focus
Home page with e-com focus

A commercial-focused homepage is designed to maximize conversions and drive business goals. It prioritizes key products, services, or offerings to attract potential customers and encourage them to take action.

Product category main page with e-com focus
Product category main page with e-com focus

Designing an effective product page, businesses can provide detailed information, build trust, and motivate customers to make informed purchase decisions.

Product list page with e-com focus
Product list page with e-com focus

A well-crafted product page helps visitors understand the value of the products and creates a seamless path from consideration to conversion.

Product page – Basic range
Product page – Basic range

A product page is a crucial component of an e-commerce website that showcases and promotes a specific product or service. Basic range product page provides basic and essential information about products that helps user decide on the purchase.

Product page – Middle range
Product page – Middle range

A product page is a crucial component of an e-commerce website that showcases and promotes a specific product or service. Middle range product page aims to provide detailed information, highlight features, and persuade visitors to make a purchase.

Product page - Extra range
Product page - Extra range

A product page is a crucial component of an e-commerce website that
showcases and promotes a specific product or service. Extra range
product page is a very detailed and highly equipped product page that
presents all aspects of a product, consciously built to convince customers
for purchase.

Customer service – Main page
Customer service – Main page

The customer service page serves as a dedicated resource for customers to find assistance, support, and solutions to their inquiries or issues.

Customer service – Download page
Customer service – Download page

On this page the customers can access important resources, software updates, documentation, or other downloadable files related to the products or services they have purchased.

Home page with professional focus
Home page with professional focus

A professional-focused homepage is designed to showcase and promote content such as articles, blog posts, news updates, or other media. It aims to engage visitors, encourage exploration, and drive readership.

Blog – Main page
Blog – Main page

A blog allows businesses to publish and share articles, insights, stories, or other written content with their audience. Blogs serve as a means of communication, providing a space for expressing ideas, sharing knowledge, and engaging with readers.

Blog – Category page
Blog – Category page

Organizing your blog posts into categories or using tags makes it easier for readers to navigate and find articles on specific topics of interest. This helps improve the overall user experience and facilitates content discovery.

Blog – Article page
Blog – Article page

Create an engaging and user-friendly blog article page that attracts readers, keeps them immersed in the content, and encourages further interaction and exploration on your website.

Bestsellers / Top sellers section
Bestsellers / Top sellers section

Elevate your online presence by featuring the most popular products with
these top-performing designs, tailored for success.

Product price offer in Shopping Cart
Product price offer in Shopping Cart

Here you can find how to highlight unbeatable price offers and exclusive deals in the shopping cart to elevate e-commerce experience.

Free shipping counter in Shopping Cart
Free shipping counter in Shopping Cart

Enhance your customers' shopping experience with this dynamic design solution of showcasing Free Shipping counter.

Discount within time limit in pop-up
Discount within time limit in pop-up

Drive sales and urgency by displaying limited-time offers in a visually compelling way with eye-catching pop-ups.

Discount for email address in pop-up
Discount for email address in pop-up

Captivate visitors and boost your sales by offering exclusive discounts in exchange for their email addresses with eye-catching pop-ups.

Discount for minimum amount purchase on stickynote
Discount for minimum amount purchase on stickynote

Encourage customers to meet a minimum spend with enticing discounts featured on stickynotes, enhancing their shopping experience.

Discount for first purchase on stickynote
Discount for first purchase on stickynote

Attract new customers and boost their first shopping experience with exclusive savings highlighted on stickynotes.

Compare product page
Compare product page

Help your customers make informed choices by providing an easy-to-use and visually appealing product comparison tool.

Compare product container
Compare product container

Empower your customers to make informed purchasing decisions by offering a user-friendly and efficient product comparison feature.

Shopping Cart page
Shopping Cart page

Use this well-organized and intuitive cart design to simplify the buying and checkout process, ensuring a smooth and efficient online shopping experience for customers.

Checkout pages
Checkout pages

These are the critical final steps that allow customers to review their selected items, enter shipping and payment information, and complete their purchase, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process.

Thank you Page (after purchase)
Thank you Page (after purchase)

Make post-purchase interactions memorable by creating a visually pleasing and appreciative page that confirms orders and expresses gratitude to customers.

Plain text pages (Terms of use, Privacy policy, Accessibility)
Plain text pages (Terms of use, Privacy policy, Accessibility)

Create a clean and easily readable format for these critical legal and informational documents on your website including essential content such as Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Accessibility information.

Form pages (Newsletter registration, Contact form)
Form pages (Newsletter registration, Contact form)

Streamline user interactions with these professionally designed and user-friendly forms to help engage and connect with your audience with design elements such as Newsletter Registration and Contact Forms.

Warranty Registration
Warranty Registration

Make it easy for your customers to protect their purchases and access support by providing a seamless and user-friendly registration process.

Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual

Create clear and user-friendly place with guides that help customers understand and utilize your products effectively, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Symbol Glossary
Symbol Glossary

Simplify complex information by providing a clear and accessible reference for symbols, enhancing user understanding and usability on your website or product documentation.

Search results
Search results

Enhance the user experience by presenting relevant and organized search results, making it easy for visitors to find the information or products they're looking for on your website.

NO result
NO result

Turn an empty search into an opportunity by providing clear and user-friendly guidance when visitors can't find what they're looking for, ensuring a positive user experience.


Offer a structured overview of your website's content and layout, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Registration form
Registration form

Simplify user onboarding and data collection with a well-designed and user-friendly registration process, enhancing the experience for your website or platform users.

Log-in form
Log-in form

Create a secure and convenient access point for users to sign in to your website or application, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience.

Forgot password
Forgot password

Help users regain access to their accounts with a streamlined and user-friendly password recovery process, ensuring a secure and hassle-free experience.

User login menu
User login menu

Provide an accessible and prominent entry point for users to log in and access their accounts, enhancing user engagement and interaction on your website or platform.

Account Dashboard
Account Dashboard

Empower users with a centralized and user-friendly hub to manage their profiles, settings, and activities, enhancing their overall experience and control.

Order History
Order History

Provide users with an organized and convenient way to track and review their past orders, enhancing their shopping experience and facilitating transparency

Order Details (Order Summary)
Order Details (Order Summary)

Offer a concise and visually appealing breakdown of order information, allowing customers to review and confirm their purchases with ease.

Leave Review
Leave Review

Encourage user engagement and feedback by providing a straightforward and user-friendly platform for sharing reviews and opinions, enriching the customer experience.

Home page with sales funnel focus
Home page with sales funnel focus

Optimize your website's main entry point for conversions, driving visitor engagement and guiding them through a tailored journey towards making a purchase or taking desired actions.

Home Page with publishing focus
Home Page with publishing focus

Elevate your content delivery and engagement by creating an inviting and informative homepage that highlights your latest articles, news, or updates, enhancing user interaction and interest.

About us - Overview page
About us - Overview page

Create a compelling and informative overview of your organization, helping visitors understand your mission, values, and key information in a clear and engaging manner.

About us - Magazine-like page
About us - Magazine-like page

Present your organization's story and culture in a visually captivating and magazine-inspired format, offering an engaging and immersive experience for your visitors.

About us - Tabular page A
About us - Tabular page A

Provide a structured and concise presentation of your organization's key details, using a tabular format, enhancing readability and accessibility for your audience. Including quality management, clinical validations, etc.

About us - Tabular page B
About us - Tabular page B

Provide a structured and concise presentation of your organization's key details, using a tabular format, enhancing readability and accessibility for your audience. Including history, latest achievements, etc.

About us - Tabular page C
About us - Tabular page C

Provide a structured and concise presentation of your organization's key details, using a tabular format, enhancing readability and accessibility for your audience. Including contacts, career, etc.

About us - List page
About us - List page

Present your organization's essential information and accomplishments in a straightforward and easily scannable list format, making it convenient for visitors to grasp key details quickly.

Solution type - Overview page
Solution type - Overview page

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the solutions offered, their benefits, and how they address specific needs, all in a clear and concise format.

Solution type - Magazine-like page
Solution type - Magazine-like page

Dive into a visually captivating presentation of solutions, akin to a magazine layout, providing in-depth insights and creating a compelling user experience.

Solution type - Tabular page
Solution type - Tabular page

Get a structured overview of the solutions offered, presented in a clear and easily digestible tabular format, making it simple to compare and evaluate options.

Career - Main page
Career - Main page

Explore a central hub for career opportunities and information, offering a user-friendly and engaging experience for job seekers and potential candidates.

Career - Open positions page
Career - Open positions page

Present current job opportunities in a clear and organized manner, making it easy for prospective applicants to find and apply for positions within your organization.

Career - Job application page
Career - Job application page

Streamline the application process for candidates, providing a user-friendly platform for submitting resumes and essential information, enhancing the hiring experience for both applicants and your organization.

UI Kit

Your Design Elements

Your Design Elements

Explore our UI Kit for ready-to-use design assets. It's your repository for cohesive design elements like colors, buttons, typography, etc..., that bolster brand recognition.

Learn more
Your Design Elements