What to Know for Your OMRON Healthcare Website Creation

Creating an OMRON Healthcare website involves adhering to specific legal steps and company policies. These include utilizing an appropriate domain name to ensure visibility across search engines, and using on-brand, high-quality assets for your content. Because your website represents our company and brand globally, obtaining final approval is crucial. The following will provide insights on how to effectively execute these procedures.

OMRON Group Web Standards Rule
Brand Portal
Request for Design Approval
Play by OMRON Group's Web Management Rules

Check out the OMRON Group Official Website Management Guidelines when creating or updating any of our websites. These guidelines cover key aspects like:

1. Domain Management: For setting up and structuring website domains.
2. Personal Information Management
3. Rules: For handling user data according to privacy regulations.

Sticking to these rules keeps our brand consistent and our websites officially recognized as part of OMRON Healthcare.

On-brand Resources for Your Convenience

Tap into the wealth of OMRON Healthcare brand assets that are readily available to you.
Our Brand Portal houses a vast collection of resources including images, product photos, video footage, ads, banners, and even our guidelines.
These ready-to-use assets have been specifically curated to aid in content creation for your website.

To access these resources, simply log into our Brand Portal with your assigned username and password. 
If you're an external agency partnered with a local OMRON Healthcare branch and don't yet have access, please contact your OMRON Healthcare liaison. OMRON employees requiring access should speak with their supervisor.

Visit Portal
Your Website's Green Light

When embarking on a new website design, kindly submit your design files, links, or staging sites to brand-ohq@omron.com for review.

Any additional pages that do not utilize our templates as base also require approval. You can anticipate receiving a confirmation within 2-3 business days, although this may vary depending on the volume.

Engaging us at the early stage of your design phase yields significant benefits - it economizes time and minimizes both redesign efforts and costs.

Get Approval